// the 5 fronts of our business

Foundry & Fabless Services

HashData can help you to manufacture your Semiconductors in a Fabless operation. We are also developing a new in-house model that can be integrated  as part of the Company industrial complex, reducing costs and dependencies over foreign suppiers.

This new approach to Foundry does not require huge facilities housing dozens of separate processes – it comprises all Semiconductor Fabrication Operations in one single machine, which can be replicated as desired to meet Prototyping and/or Foundry requirements – that can be place in-House (inside Companies’ facilities) for total and disruptive verticalization on strategic, key-components and valuation in the Market

Partners from all over the world ready to carry out your project in an efficient

// A market with strong growth in the coming years

Fabless Services

ASML has sold 309 machines in 2021 ($200-300M each), however more than 85% serve the ~200nm precision market for building transistor elements. This is the range where there is the greatest balance between Demand and Supply, which should remain for years to come and it is exactly the range that we can serve with our Manufacturing Solutions.

Only a simplistic of companies master Chip manufacturing technology. We are positioned to immediately challenge this Model:

Cost Reduction
Providing direct access to Chip Design with a drastic reduction in the cost of Design Tools, making projects increasingly profitable
Time Reduction
Enabling Rapid Prototyping Design Approaches (Test-ready Encapsulated Chips) - from MONTHS to DAYS
Industrial Centers
Installing printing centers for rapid chip prototyping and chip manufacturing machines positioned in major Industrial Centers
// We are implementing the 3D Printer concept to the Semiconductor world

We are structuring our own Foundry in Brazil with Tecnologia #Data being one of the factories of Plat de Design

Our strategic objective is to master the processes that make our Clients independent of complex logistic networks in the development of products and services.

Companies that saw similar strategic paths, such as Pragmatic Semiconductor, Atomic Semi and others, raised a total of US $440M for immediate strategic positioning in this market that is in full evolution and change towards models that privilege verticalization and mastery over technologies and elements key manufacturing processes for companies’ businesses.

Only a simplistic of companies master Chip manufacturing technology. We are positioned to immediately challenge this Model:

// what are we doing

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